
Monday, 30 September 2019

Festival of Quilts August 2019

The Festival of quilts 2019 - once again, we stayed in Solihull and just went for the weekend. This is more than enough for me! as four days was just too much, too exhausting. It is a very big show, and the best place to buy things that are specialised...

My red and white Hawaiian had arrived safely. I had to work very hard to complete the quilting, binding and sleeve in time. Next year - I must complete the quilt in good time!

Another Hawaiian from a Japanese entry. Two ladies agreed that they liked this one better than mine. It is more colorful - but not strictly traditional....quilting was good on this one...

I was especially interested to see Christopher Tate Wilson's trunk show. He advertises heavily on social media and I have heard so much about him from the other dealers. He is the "wide boy" of the quilt world. Most of the quilts go abroad to collectors and do not stay here in the UK, I guess this has long been the case...

The Best of very bad for photos..

I really liked this quilt, it reminded me of my work with fossil pollen grains in my PhD work...

I don't watch any of the TV selling stations - but I did watch Susan Briscoe giving her broadcast for a while. Karin Hellaby also appeared and received a lot of attention afterwards. I dont often watch videos or Utube, as I am not a visual person:  I like to have written instructions that I can return to quickly. But I have been buying a few downloadable .pdf patterns recently....more later.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the photos of the quilts - I love how the red stands out against the white background in your beautiful quilt.
