
Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Popular Patchwork June 2017

The Patchwork of My Life - Pippa Moss, in June's Popular Patchwork is now on the newsstands. Although a few small errors crept in, generally I am pleased with this. The layout is lively and my photos have turned out well. The text has been modified and simplified, but still has my "stamp" on it. This is pretty much the first time that I have dealt with editors other than academic ones - so an interesting experience! And, I was pleased to give the people at Penyrralt Farm some publicity for their gypsy caravan; it made a good photo.

I also have been dealing with the folks at Thames and Hudson, for a V & A Patchwork book, with three hopefully fairly easy projects.  And, shortly, there will be an article "Quilt as Desired" in Todays Quilter. That will be written on the basis of a telephone interview - so it will be a surprise to see what makes it into print! I have again sent lots of photos of various quilts and quilting motifs. Patchwork shows up well, but the wholecloth quilts don't make for very exciting photos, I'm afraid.

I also have a small cot quilt in the Jen Jones Quilt Museum - looking forward to seeing that exhibition in July when we go to Wales again.

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