
Saturday, 26 April 2014

Small Quilt plus cushion cover

Here is a small cot quilt that I bought recently. It is made of a silky artificial fibre in a gold colour. I like these cot quilts - they usually have been used a fair bit, and the small size demands a fairly simple pattern.

In this quilt, there are fans at each corner, and a daisy in the centre. These were very popular patterns, as they were showy and covered the fabric well without close quilting. The background is a straight set grid.

The quilting is neatly done....

This brown colour seems to have been popular after the war.....I would guess that it took a while for a range of fabrics to reappear on the shelves....

Also thrown in with the above was a cushion cover in Italian, or corded, quilting. This design shows a flower basket. These patterns were commercial transfers. I have a number of cushion covers in this technique, and all seem to be in this brown colour, so it must have been the "in" colour at that time.

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