
Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Art Quilts - Festival of Quilts

More quilts from the Festival of Quilts held in August 2013, various classes, ones that caught my eye....

Anne Maundell of Brunei, Tumbling Birds. Inspired by a piece of traditional Indonesian fabric, machine applique with hand embroidery and machine quilting. Judge's choice.

Diane Cowell, Huntingdon, Tomorrow I am Sixty. Improv piecing, applique with embellishment, images of things that mean a lot to her.

Linzi Upton, Banchory, Imbolc Betula Trio. Curved piecing, free-hand longarm quilted, hand sewn gems, fitted and hand sewn to foam bolsers. Judge's choice.

Alicia Merret, The Island. Machine piecing, fused collage, applique, machine quilting. As always, I liked the colours in Alicia's work. Award of Merit.

Janneke de ries-Bodzinga, Hurricane, Applique, machine pieced, machine quilted. Silk and hand dyed fabrics. 3rd in Art Quilts.

Rebecca Collins and Ferret, St Asaph, Pinya Hardin. Machine pieced and longarm quilted. Bali batiks in hexagonal pineapple. Two person quilt.

Detail of quilting of above.....

Stephanie Crawford, Bristol, Chinese Journey in Three Parts.
Paint, applique and stitch.  A trip to China inspired this quilt.First, pictorial quilts.

Kristy Daum, St Louis, USA, The Tenth. Pixel patchwork piecing. Kona Cotton, Dr Who's David Tennant...

Janette Orr, Gather Ye Rosebuds. Machine applique onto wholecloth. Machine quilted on domestic sewing machinee, embellished.

Alison Bramley, York, York 800. Raw edged applique, machine stitched with invisible thread. Machine quilted.

Grace Meijer, Berber. Raw edge applique. Screen printed, painted, markal stick definitions, hand embroidery, machine stitched. From a photograph taken at an early morning market in Tunisia.


  1. There is an amazing amount of work in those quilts! Thank you for sharing the photos. :)
