
Friday, 3 May 2013

Soldier's Quilt from Ontario, Canada

Here is another quilt that I bought recently - I think that it is another WWII Red Cross quilt, although it was bought as a "soldiers quilt".

There is a label, but it is not the ususal Red Cross label; it shows that the quilt was sent from the Mitchell and District area of Ontario Canada, from "War Services".

The quilt is unusual in that it is more carefully made that many of the Red Cross quilts that I have seen, it is all hand pieced and hand quilted. My guess is that is was an older utility quilt that was donated to the war effort, and not specially made. As you can see, it is a four patch with star block, and  is very worn in some parts.

There is also a tie sewn to the quilt (by machine, quite crudely) and also a loop sewn to the binding, I suppose that this is so the rolled or folded quilt could be tied into a bundle.

I posted photos onto and online group of American quilt experts, they confirmed that the fabrics dated from 1890 to 1900. I will again be giving this to the Red Cross Study Group, if they will have it.

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