
Thursday, 6 December 2012

More Molas

I enjoy collecting these molas....there is so much work in them, although they are made for the tourist trade. Such vibrant colours and such expert applique work......not easy to do, and I've done a lot of applique myself!

A large bird with a flower....I like the red background....

A crouching jaguar inside a geometric pattern...

.......and four flamingoes...flamingoes are a bit of a joke in my family.....when my parents moved to Florida, my father let it slip that the Floridian "Flamingo thing" was ridiculous and that he didn't much like them....of course at his next birthday all his presents were flamingo-related. Dad gamely rose to the challenge and put up the flamingo decorations, mobiles etc -- and put  the plastic flamingo garden ornaments on to the lawn.

Molas are made by the women of the San Blas Islands in Panama, Traditionally they were made into blouses and other garments, but today they are produced to sell to tourists and provide a valuable source of income.


  1. The molas are lovely. Such a time consuming art.

  2. These are awesome! Have you tried the technique yourself? I always wanted to do a version of a mola and one day i'll get around to it - whenever I figure out an easy way of doing them..
