
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Festval of Quilts 2012 - 3

The Traditional Quilt class was larger and more varied this year.  Here is the winning traditional quilt, Euphoria by Deborah Kemball of Quebec. Similar to last years quilt but with a dark not red background.

This was a very beautiful quilt - it is Komorebi by Shizuyo Morishita of Tokyo. All handmade with lovely piecing and quilting. I especially liked the colours and the use of embroidery for embellishment and emphasis. Second in Traditional quilts.

Here is the third place quilt, Greek Fossils by Ferret. Thanks for the photos, Liz. This is a wholecloth quilt, all hand guided longarm quilting. Faux trapunto by using two layers of wool wadding. Hand dyed cotton sateen, with changes of thread colour to form the design.

Detail of Ferret's quilt, so that you can see the effect of the different thread colours.

I think that this is another Japanese quilt, Flower of 13115 Pieces and Peace, made by Hiromi Yokota of Yokohama. Another show stopper that always had a crowd around it.

This was the first quilt to be seen inside the Festival of Quilts doors - the lighting was not as good as it should have been - I am not sure who this is by, but it is papercut blocks in red and white. Very nicely done applique with some great quilting, again attracting a lot of attention.

Again, not sure who made this but a very colourful quilt. Lovely use of striped fabrics - where did they all come from?

Beautiful detail from the quilt above.

Not very many wholecloths this year - here is I Love Feathers by Sheila Curtis of Ledbury. Oakshott fabric and variegated thread by King Tut, wool wadding. From a Lilian Hedley workshop using a variety of published patterns together with her own.
Nicely done.

And here is Andrea Strache's quilt Peridot. I am sorry that I could not get a good photo of this, I did try all the settings on my   camera! Quilting is hard to photograph, especially with poor lighting. The lovely gentle green may not have helped, either.
Design after a RIB quilt by Miss Evans in 1930.

 Another large and spectacular quilt.

The Jug quilt by Clare Kingslake of Lechlade. The gentle colours were again difficult to photograph. Hand applique with lots of embroidery using perle thread. This got a commendation.

More photos to follow.

The disquiet over the Best in Show quilt continues to rumble on - see Gillian Coopers blog for an explanation here:

Does anyone remember the uproar over  the Patchwork Championship's Best in Show many years ago? It was a creative but very poorly made student quilt - people started to pin notes onto the quilt and the organisers had to reposition it out of reach.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I especially like the quilt with all the striped fabrics--very beautiful. Thanks for the link to the 'best in show' uproar. I find it so interesting when that sort of is still happening at that particular level of talent.

  2. Thank you for showing those pictures .. I always love coming here and have a look. I just sit staring at the screenmarvelling at what pther people manage to do. They look like quilts for me because you can't make one every other week ... they are eahc of them somethign very special.
