
Friday, 4 May 2012

Quilts sent off to various places....

It feels as if I have been supporting the Royal Mail single handedly recently! I even had to go down to the office supplies store in Ipswich to stock up on cardboard boxes....
First to be boxed up and sent off were the trophies from the Malvern quilt show. It was interesting to look at the past winners for the Hand Quilting award - and nice to know that both will be enjoyed by other quilters in the coming year.

I also sent off my New Northumberland Sawtooth Quilt to this year's Malvern show. Just hope the folds drop out of it - at least the cat hair is gone after last year's intensive "defurring" session. I love those cats but they certainly leave a lot of fur flying around...
 Then last week I had an emergency call from Ruth at the Loch Lomond Quilt Show in Dunbarton, Scotland- they needed more Turkey red quilts in a hurry. I was in a bit of a dilemma as at least three of my red quilts will be going off to Llanidloes soon. But I sent off this lovely Welsh red paisley quilt with orange peel quilting....
 and this Durham quilt made from preprinted panels.... worn but still striking...
and the zig zag strippy from Northumberland. This is an old quilt but has some fantastic quilting in wholecloth pattern with feathers and ferns.

Before we went away to Staffordshire I also submitted articles (with photos) to the major patchwork magazines to publicise the Minerva 12 summer exhibition at Llanidloes - haven't heard anything further about these but it will be interesting if they do appear.

Plans are afoot also to revamp the BQSG website - perhaps put it onto Wordpress to make it more user friendly - a "Quilt of the Month" and a Blog will hopefully draw more viewers to the site. It looks as if I will be charged with the blog; I will hopefully have some co bloggers on that. If not, I will have to put on my thinking cap, so as not to repeat myself. It seems to me that there are plenty of topics to investigate in the Quilt History vein..

I am also having an exhibition of antique quilts at Quilters Haven, in Wickham Market, Suffolk, the first week of June - there will be some Welsh quilts but I hope to showcase my Durham quilts this time. More details soon on the Quilters Haven website.


  1. A really interesting post Pippa - you sound very busy!! the BQSG website update sounds good and so does your exhibition, I'll definitely have to come and see that! Liz.

  2. Good luck for the Malvern Quilt Show! It was nice to see all these names written on the Hand Quilting Award and I am curious who will win next. I will also follow the updates on the BQSG site. It seems to be a very busy time for you!

  3. Your Northumberland Sawtooth looked lovely at Malvern!
