
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lively Paisley and Plain Pink Welsh Quilt

This Welsh quilt has a lively paisley print on one side and a plain pink fabric on the other. The quilting is well executed with some nice patterns to be seen.

The central motif is a flower? or lovers knot??, this is surrounded by double diamonds. I am constantly surprised by the variety of patterns seen in Welsh quilts!

The outer border is of circles with a design which might be orange peel or might be beech leaves - hard to tell. I was also surprised to see - plumes or feathers. I had, up to now, thought that there were no feathers to be found on my Welsh quilts - but have a look - pairs of plumes at either end of the quilt---

A closer look at the pair of plumes - or are they supposed to be ferns?? I thought feathers had rounded edges whilst leaves had pointy ends which would make these feathers....

The pair of plumes at the far end of the quilt - very handsome but seemingly not double outlined like the last pair. Quilters worked quickly across the frame - by the time they reached the far side of the quilt, the first side was wrapped onto the poles and quilters could forget exactly what they had quilted - so motifs often are slightly different on either side...

A close up of the paisley print which has quite a lot of yellowy-green and blue colours against a pink background - quite different from the reproduction fabrics that we get today!

The quilting is not very visible on the paisley side but it is cheerful on the bed. I have a "comfy" quilt on my bed and usually have just the paisley side showing - as I prefer the effect - looks nice and warm in the winter!

A close up of the central design.

This quilt was bought from a seller in Epsom and had no provenance.

1 comment:

  1. This is really an interesting quilt, I love it's simplicity. The center patterns reminds me a lot of the "Breton Fisherman's Knot" in Dorothy Osler's Quilting Desgin Source Book. Maybe this is also Celtic.
