
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Further Progress

Just to show you the blocks I have had in so far ....over 50 with more promised as a result of the Ringing World article. Too many to list here - but I am keeping a careful list of all that are received. I have enjoyed reading the notes that come with them!

I think that we will have a good sized quilt - I will soon start sewing the blocks together, once I have decided how big the central panel will be. I am going to make a 6 inch template and lightly mark that on the reverse of each block - this should make sewing them together easier. And, I am still pondering a way to put some writing on the quilt - it would be nice to hve Christchurch Cathedral 2011 on it , perhaps towards the bottom of the quilt...still pondering....will post photos when I have decided...

I was pleased to see that my Hawaiian red and white quilt was featured in Fabrications magazine. An easy choice as wholecloths are notoriously difficult to photograph and are not as colourful. It was a nice touch that Grosvenor Exhibitions sent me a free copy, although I had already bought a copy.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to see the bell blocks stacking up! And congrats on your quilts being featured in such a fine publication.
