
Monday, 14 March 2011

Old Quilting Patterns - Oklahoma 1930's

I was looking through this folder today - it is a collection of sewing patterns that belonged to my grandmother, Marie Fuller. Most are patchwork patterns, but there are knitting and crossstitch patterns as well. The patchwork patterns show no sign of being used - but Marie was a weaver, not a quilter. Most date from the 30's. although some are earlier or later in date. Marie was living near Enid Oklahoma by this point, having had to give up their family home near Dearborn during the Depression.

I tried to give these items to the Quilters Guild, but as they were not of British origin, they could not accept them.

Here are some patchwork templates - unused! - for house, basket and double wedding ring blocks. All are by Grandmother Clark's, a firm in St.Louis, Mo. There is no price quoted.

Here is another list for patterns by Grandmother Clark's - and a cardboard with tracings for another block (not precut - pattern 22 - a pattern made with diamonds).

This is a pamphlet with patterns available from Mountain Mist -Stearns and Foster, Cincinnati - prices 20 and 35 cents, unles one had a coupon found inside the wadding, then 10 and 20 cents. A roll of cotton batting was $2 or $ 2.25 for cotton or $6 or $7 for Dacron (this must be a later list?)

Here is a booklet of quilting patterns by the Ladies Art Company of St.Louis - dated 1922. It has written on the cover the name Mrs Lynn Fuller. You were able to buy patterns on colored card for 10 cents each, and you could also buy finished calico blocks from 35 cents to $1.50. There are quilting designs and also stamping patterns for redwork,

Here is a book for "War Work" - Comforts for Soldiers and Sailors - Also Knitted Garments for the Boy Scout - published by Priscilla Publishing Co of Boston Mass. Price 25 cents. The date is 1917 so must date from the First World War.

Included are patterns for knitted mufflers, sweaters, socks,mittens and also hospital garments in cotton. Shown is a pattern for a knitted helmet. To the back of the book is an article " One Thousand Dollars for Red Cross Work can be raised by Means of a Memorial Quilt " , a quilt campaign specially adapted for church and womens clubs. Squares and spaces were inscribed with the name of the donor in ink or embroidered in red outline. The block pattern is a red cross on a white background.

There is also a large collection of clippings from local Oklahoma newspapers - these were syndicated columns and the reader was invited to purchase patterns from various companies. Ruth has tipped them into paper to preserve them.Most are from the 30's.

Many of the patterns are fairly simple ones, but a few are more complex, for the more experienced quilter. Here are shown New York Beauty and Indian Wedding Ring.
I will have to look at these more closely - proof that things haven't moved on all that much - we still do the same sort of thing, except our tools are much more complex - and we use more electicity I think!


  1. What a wonderful fascinating piece of quilting history. One you must feel privileged to own.
    Thank you for sharing these items with us.

  2. What a treasure you have, enjoy it!

  3. What an awesome find. I just love looking through these packets if I can find them though very rare in this area as they get picked out quite quickly. Enjoy!

  4. It's too bad that the quilt guild couldn't accept them, they are a real treasure.

  5. When my Grandma passed, she left a huge collection of those 30's newspaper columns, unmounted and gathered/stored in a brown lunch bag. The back sides with newspaper clippings and ads were just as fascinating as the quilt-y parts! I bought some archival quality clear plastic sleeves to put each clipping into and made a notebook of them. Truly interesting and a history lesson straight out of time.

    :) Linda

  6. This is fascinating Pippa!
    I love the knitted helmet and can understand why it would be really useful to an aviator.
    The patchwork templates are particularly interesting. Thank you for posting these.

  7. Only you can decide whether or not to keep them or give them away. But you could consider giving them to a reputable historical society in the area in which your grandmother lived. It's the homely details like your collection which give colour to the history of any community.

  8. What interesting pieces of history! Perhaps a historical society or museum in Enid where your grandmother lived would be interested in them.

  9. Linda's idea of clear envelopes is a very good one! I would be glad to give the items to a historiacal society but it is difficult being so far away. Perhaps there is a quilt history group or textile society that might benefit? That's why the Quilters Guild UK was my first thought...Pippa

  10. Pippa, i know of a few places in the US if you'd like to pass them on ... it seems very strange to me that the Quilters Guild won't touch them just because they're not from there .. have you thought of the America Museum in Bath? They have an extensive collection of quilts too!

  11. Jovota, I will try to contact the American Museum....good idea. The QG was set up as an educational charity to further the study of British Quilts - like most museums it has to be very careful what items it accepts - as there was no obvious link between these items and British Quilts, it had to refuse them. Pippa

  12. What treasures, thank you so much for sharing.
    Any other family members that might treasure them?

  13. I enjoyed this post..... I use to buy newspaper clippings when I did eBay 12 years ago. Like someone mentioned the backs of the clipppings are fun to read as well. Was your grandmonther from England? Or did these get shipped to you because "you are a quilter". I noticed I could send money for pattern to S. Paulina Street..... looked that up and it is now a parking garage in the middle of Rush Medical Center !! This internet is truly amazing and adds so much to our QUILTING.... thanks for sharing.

  14. Pippa, I would think that The Central Oklahoma Quilter's Guild would love to have these for their historical exhibits. Their Website is I really enjoyed your pictures Thank you so much for sharing with all of us!
