
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Red and Blue Flannel quilt - More Photos

Today, I thought that I would post some more photos of the red and blue flannel quilt - to show the quilting designs and detail more clearly. This is a wonderful quilt, and clearly has never been used. You can see that the quilting is simple but effective - a central sunburst is surrounded by a spiral scroll and corner fans. Then there are borders of church windows infilled with chevrons and spirals. At the outer edge is a simple twist.

Another look at the church windows and the corner fan.

The colours are a bright red (which doesn't photograph as well) and a royal blue. The quilting thread is blue - so the blue must have been the right side - but was it quilted from this side (hard on the eyes!) ? Just went to have a look - its hard to tell, but it looks as if the quilting was done with navy thread from the red side.

This is a heavy quilt - I would guess that there is no filling? The two woollen fabrics would be quite heavy in their own right.

A detail of one corner, and the simple twist used there.

Another detail of the spiral infill .

Deatil of the central "coin".

The two fabrics contrast well....

A close up of the flannel fabric - it is woven , but has a teased, brushed surface - it is not a felted fabric.


  1. A truly work of art and a beautiful quilt--cottonreel

  2. I am so grateful to have found your blog. The quilts you post are so amazing, I love hand quilting and hand applique so to know that you are a looking after these pieces from the past AND creating new ones, well, it's such a pleasure to read your posts.

  3. Have you made one of these delightful quilts? I know you collect them and try to trace the patterns. Have you published any of the patterns?

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  5. Hi Robin, I have not made one of these flannel quilts but I would like to problem is that the wool flannel is very hard to source and apart from the Woollen Museum, is not made in this country anymore. I have traced about 25 of the more interesting quilts on to polythene - a very time consuming process. My son is currently tutoring me to use Vector Works, a professional graphic drawing program - it will allow me to scan, redraw, resize and publish the patterns. So I hope to do this in 2011 - at least that is the plan! Pippa

  6. Thank you for sharing the pictures, Pippa! I haven't seen Welsh Quilts in blue very often, the more I love this one! I really want to do something like this one day...
