
Monday, 29 August 2016

"Unforgettable" Quilt Museum Lampeter 2016

The highlight of our trip was a chance to see the Quilt Museum in Lampeter. This year, the exhibition was titled "Unforgettable" and featured quilts from Jen Jones' collection and also that of Ron Simpson's.

Unforgettable is dedicated to Roger Clive-Powell, the highly celebrated Conservation Architect, who rescued  the Town Hall and turned it into the Welsh Quilt Centre. Roger sadly died in the autumn of 2015.

I am not putting titles to the photos below, in the hope that some of you may purchase the 2016 catalogue, at the following address:

If you email Jen and her team, they will gladly answer any questions you may have about price and postage costs to your country.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Sandy Lush - Welsh Cot Quilts

Sandy Lush is a well known hand quilter who often uses traditional designs as inspiration and a jumping off point. This summer the Quilt Museum at Lampeter showcases a series of her hand quilted cot quilts. All develop the use of Welsh quilting designs, especially the paisley motif.

The original inspiration was this Welsh strippy from Jen Jones' collection by Mrs May Thomas.

Sandy combined the paisley motif with another pattern called the Welsh trail to create a cot quilt she called "In the Pink". Still rather a North County style format!

Excited by the design possibilities, Sandy went on to create a series of little quilts with a more Welsh flavour, having the all-over Welsh format.
See how experimentation with a few simple designs can create a great variety of results!
Varoius fabrics, plain and patterned were used....

Find out more on Sandy's website: